17 febr. 2011 The OWOH give-a-way is now closed !
First of all, I'd like to thank Lisa and all the visitors who came and left kind comments on my blog !! I hope this event was as fun for you as it was for me and I really hope our paths cross again.
I for sure am planning to visit a lot blogs more often !!
Well, as I mentioned in my OWOH post, I would draw THREE names.
I WOULD !!!!....... BUT GUES WHAT ??? !!!!!
Because nothing is a changeable as a humand mind,
I decided to draw NOT THREE but THIRTEEN WINNERS !!!
YEP....10 MORE !!!
I'm in a generous mood thanks to all of you and this wonderful event. LOL
Creating this collage sheet was so much work, It would be sad if no more people could benefit. Therefore I offer some more participants this surprise and I hope I've made you ladies happy :)
* Coralie C Johnson ; Michigan US - http://vintagecottagehome.blogspot.com/
* Terri Kahrs ; Northeastern USA - http://pringlehill-terri.blogspot.com/
* Viola ; Germany - http://saray-viola.blogspot.com/
* Martina ; Germany - http://martinas-stempel-gewerkel.blogspot.com/
* Astrid Maclean ; Scotland - http://astridsartisticefforts.blogspot.com/
* Jingle ; Bellingham US - http://justjingle.blogspot.com/
* Kate ; North Yorkshire UK - http://thekathrynwheel.blogspot.com/
* Anne H.Lockard ; North.Indiana US - http://elmilagrostudio.blogspot.com/
* Katie(Ragamuffin Gal) US - http://ragamuffingal.blogspot.com/
* Sherry Edwards ; Romford UK - http://sherrysimpleblog.blogspot.com/
* Luthien ; ?? - http://www.alteredalchemy.com/
* Diane ; Erie : PA :US - http://dianesalter.blogspot.com/
* Suziqu ; Millingandi : Australië - http://suziqusthreadworks.blogspot.com/
I will contact you later this day !!!
13 opmerkingen:
Ohhhhh, Rian!!!!! You've made my DAY!!!! I'm sooo happy that I was one of your lucky 13 winners!!! Thank you, Thank you!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo
PS My email address is tkahrs@optonline.net
wow rian! leuk om zoveel mensen te verrassen, allemaal gefeliciteerd:)
Thank you, Rian!! I`m so happy too!! Big hugs to you! :o)
OMG, Rian! What a great surprise! I`m totally happy. Thank you so much!
I had to read TWICE to make sure it was ME!!!
YIPEEEEEE!!!!! Thank you so much! :-)
I think 13 is a VERY lucky number!
Anne.....happy dancing away!
Leuk gebaar meiss!!!!..kuzzzzz..
Rian, please see my blog!
Hi Rian,
I just sent you an e-mail with the info; it may take a while--our server has been slow.
THANK YOU!!!!! :-)
Anne @
El Milagro
I'm a winner! How terrific! I've sent you my email...thanks so much. So generous!
Yayayayayay!! Thanks so much Rian :-) You have made me very happy indeed. It was a lovely surprise. Thank you x
Thank you Rian so much!!!!!!!!!! I've replied to you emails. What a lovely day xx
Hi Rian! OWOH 2011.... I decided last minute to draw THREE names, and yours was one of them! I will email you privately with a pic of the three prizes, and will ask for your preferences. Of course I'll need your details too!
hugs and blessings,
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