woensdag 23 maart 2022

Nine years later .....😊

6 opmerkingen:

peggy gatto zei

Quite beautiful !!! Love the colors!!

Sim zei

I can't beleive it Ryan!! Are you really here? How I missed you my friend!
These collages are really fa-bu-lous!
What have you been doing all this time? Are you OK?
I kiss you!

"MOI" Freubel zei

hi dear Sim. What a pleasure to read your comment here. I have never forgotten you my friend. I've been Photoshop again for a year and a half. It took some effort after so many years, but slowly I am enjoying doing it again. I'm active on FB and I don't know if it will work here again. I've forgotten so much about how Blogspot works so I have to relearn how it works here. My life has changed a lot, but I'm fine and I hope you're okay too.

Sim zei

Glad you're okay dear Ryan.
Blogspot has also changed a lot during your absence, and not for the better.
Many features have disappeared and it is less and less ergonomic.
Despite everything, I wish you a good return to the web and I am so very happy to see you and your art again.
I kiss you.

Susie Jefferson zei

So good to see you back! Missed you - and sorry to see your website seems to have disappeared, too. So glad you are still on Facebook, sending hugs etc.

Karel zei

mogge Ryan
ik zit mappen oude favorieten op te ruimen , kom ik deze mooie ook tegen