One World One Heart
You arrived in the southern part of Holland
A hearty welcome !!
Please make your self at home here and spend a minute looking around to find out all about me.
My name is Rian and YEP, I admit...
I’m a Photoshop addict.
Since childhood I have had a yearning to create and this has led me on a long journey of self discovery. I have learned that I am never happier than when I am using my computer and mind to make something beautiful.
I’m also a postcard collector with a (respectfully !!) preference to every woman who is Big Beautiful, Chubby and Saucy.
(See the surroundings you are right now and previous posts :)
About my “door-prize” ; I wil draw 3 different names !!
You can win this digital JPEG collage sheet (as long as you have a blog !) by leaving me a comment under this post with some way for me to contact you should you win. You can print this gift over and over !
Feel free to ENLARGE my "door prize".

The sheet (orginal black & white vintage postcards) contains EIGHT ‘one of a kind’ Bright-Colored and Grungy Beauties. They are altered with lots of layered effects such a masks and filters .
Layer by layer I first decompose the pictures (skin first - then hair - clothes - backgr. etc.) and however this is a time consuming work I LOVE to do this and i’ts realy my kind of thing :)
The original collage sheet is saved; High resolution 300 dpi.
8,5 x 11 inches (Size A4 /3300x2550 pixels.) And I hope you like it.
I’m realy looking forward to visiting all the other participants. This is such a fun event and a great way to meet new friends.
My special thanks go out to Lisa Swifka who made this project possible !! Hugss to you !
161 opmerkingen:
I can see you put a lot of work into the sheets, they are wonderful!
Hi Rian
mag ik het vragen
ja ik weet het niet
velen zo wel F als M
zijn wat terughoudend als het gaat om gegevens het postuur
na het lezen en zien van je laatste werk
zou ik bijna gaan denken dat je er ook wat mee zat , maar dan terug kijkend over de tijd dat wij via space/blogger elkaar kennen , zeg ik nee , past niet bij je
je zit er niet mee
of en dat kan ook , ik heb het Engels verkeerd vertaald , is meerdere uitleg voor handen
This are just gorgeous as always Rian!!
Jayne :-)
Die Kaèrel !! Ik kom wel even naar blog om uitleg te geven LOL
Hi Rian!
It's great to meet you!:o) Thanks for visiting my blog! I would love to win your beautiful prize! Have a great day!
Oh my, this is a gorgeous collage sheet, Rian!
Wat prachtig is dat. Ik zou het natuurlijk heel graag willen winnen. Groet van Bettie
hihi , ik wist het wel had ik het toch goed onthouden , ja chubby ken ik ook , heb zelf een ietwat chubby buikje hihi
ik zeg proost
Wow - I love these! My first visit to your blog and I will certainly be returning!!!
I love colour and the detail in these images is stunningly beautiful.
Beautiful art sheet. Lovely ladies all! Thanks for your visit! OWOH is so much fun!
Have a great day!
Ohhhhh, Rian!!!I LOVE your giveaway and would love an opportunity to give your beautiful ladies a new home!!! LOL!!! I'm so happy that you stopped by to visit me. Good luck in my drawing too! Hugs, Terri xoxoxo
Hallo Rian leuk dat ook jij mee doe geweldig he dwijlen door bloggen land.ben al tweedagen van de straat het is toch erg koud ha ja van bloggen wordt je wel warm he .
zo schrijf ik de nummers op van de blogs die ik wel heel mooi vind kan ik later nog extra genieten geniet ook met proppen .
jij ook een fijne tocht door bloggen land lgr Wil
Ha Rian! Kom ik jou ook tegen op de OWOH visites... geweldige doorprize heb je! Ik doe mee!!!
I would DEFINATELY love to win! Please put my name in the drawing, too!
Wow this is amazing and I would love to win it.
Super gave prijs
This is my first year with OWOH and it is amazing! If you get a chance wander over to my blog #476 on the list
Een mooie prijs Rian!
Please consider me for your drawing. Thank you. Wonderful blog.
Greetings from Massachusetts, USA! Thanks for visiting my OWOH post!
Love your blog! Your collages are wonderful!
What a great prize! Thanks so much for the chance to win.
I´ve just found your blog last week, and it´s nice to see you participation in OWOH! Please add my name to your drawing and hop over to my blog for a visit!
Your work is amazing. I admire the way you are able to use photoshop to make something so beautiful and special (seufz). Happy OWOH!
These are beautiful. Thank you for the chance to win them. #68 Elizabeth
Love your collage set. what a great blog site. I am also participating in the 2011 One World One Heart event!! have fun.
Wow, this is a really wonderful collage sheet, Rian.
Realy nice ..I can put this to good use! Thanks for the chance and I hope you are enjoying the OWOH event.
Yea! So glad to be here. You have an awesome blog! Come check mine out sometime. Thanks for entering me!
Hi, thanks so much for visiting my blog. You left such kind remarks. I really love your work. The red squirrel is darling. I just received photoshop for Christmas from my son and I haven't even attempted to try to use it yet. It seems quite overwhelming. I want to alter pictures to use in my quilts. Any suggestions on good books to learn from? I am going to be following your blog, you are quite intriguing!
Hallo, nice to meet you
Thank you for giving us the chance to win your great doorprice.
This is really beautiful.
Please count me in.
Come visit me on my blog,I join the OWOH- event too.
Regards from Germany and happy OWOH
These are gorgeous as always BECAUSE you have such talent. :O)
Thank you for taking the time to offer this lovely gift and thank you for the opportunity to win!
Your photoshop play looks like so much fun!
Greetings from Connie on Kauai. I really enjoyed exploring your blog. terrific giveaway too!
come visit my blog too!
what a wonderful and unique prize! i'd love it! thanks for stopping by to visit!
Very cool door prize, thank you for the chance to win and I love following your work! :-)
Rian, you already know I am a fan, so count me in please?!
And thank you for sharing your knowledge and your freebies - I bet Belgium was fun!! xo
Hiya Rian
You have a great blog - stunning pieces - I would be delighted to win one of your prizes and would treasure it. I shall keep everything crossed :):)
I have joined your followers so that I can come back for a more leisurely look
Enjoy your trip around OWOH
I'm No 177
Love your collage Put me in the pot for your OWOH Door Prize Please! Thanks,Tee creationsbytee@gmail.com
Oh, the ladies are so lovely and VIBRANT! I love how you've brought each of them to life!
If you haven’t already, I hope you’ll drop by both of my giveaways (at Twigs and Tulle and Kindergarten’s 3 R’s: I’m giving away a mini bunting and some pattern blocks) during this awesome blogging event! Happy OWOH!
Wow! You have some very cool items! I'd love to be entered, and I plan on coming back soon! :)
Oh wow again! ... is this getting monotonous. I love these. In fact I've had a look around your lovely blog and could say WOW! on all...
I've become a follower!
Sue x
These are gorgeous.... i'm keeping my fingers crossed!
fantastic digi work here..thanks for looking through my blog glad you liked my art.lovely giveaway...good luck everyone
Wow, your blog is amazing and so colorful. I love all of the pictures used for your buttons/links and the banner is great. It's been a pleasure visiting. Hope you have oodles of fun during OWOH. I've enjoyed it so much over the years seeing all of the wonderful blogs and meeting everyone. I am a neew follower as I couldn't resist following. Thanks for your participation. Love your creativity.
visionquest2020 AT msn DOT com
Wonderful door prize, Rian! Love your sheets! :-)
Hello, It's nice to meet you. Thanks for visitng my blog and leaving a nice comment. Your digital sheet is wonderful. I'd love a chance to win. Have a wonderful time with OWOH. I love your header. I'm going to look around a bit more. Linda
Hi Rian,
This is absolutely gorgeous!!! Happy OWOH! Sending hugs your way!
Rian first thank you for stopping by my blog, I appreciated your commenting. Second your blog is just wonderful. When I clicked on it and all the bright beautiful colors came up it blew me away. I enjoyed sitting here going thru your blog and I can assure you I will be back. Maybe we can exchange post cards one day if you would like. Enjoy the journey.
What a lovely collage sheet, I would love to be one of your winners.
Please come by my blog and my OWOH giveaway as well. I'm #590.
hoerauf at comcast dot net
Hi Rian, I already follow your blog and love visiting here... what a fabulous giveaway :))) Please include my name in your draw
Martina from Stuttgart/Germany ♥♥♥
Hi Rian, thanks for stopping by my blog! I've always loved your work and would consider it pure delight to win this collage sheet. Thanks for the opportunity!
SOOO Lovely what a beautiful sheet!
Hi Rian, how lovely to find you here while flying around the world. I hugely admire your skills with photoshop and would love to be in with a chance to win a collage sheet!
Greetings from bonny Scotland.
PS. If you have a minute and have not already done so, please come and visit mine too:o)
Lovely collage!
Regards from Russia :)
hello from Thailand!..Wow! that's a lot of work but the result is amazing! Would love to get hold of that art piece :)
Here's my OWOH post..please click here.. :)
laetriciajaniel (@) gmail (dot) com
This is such a great collage sheet! So pretty! Thanks for the chance to win! jinglesells at gmail dot com #357
Wonderful to visit your blog and meet you. Put my name in your draw, then take a minute to visit my blog, and I will add your name to win one of three prizes.
What a great idea for a give away. Please include me in your drawing.
beautiful work :)
Leuk,super mooi, leuk je te ontmoeten hier op OWOH,ik zou graag dat willen winnen!
Prettig weekend
Lieve Groetjes
Great tour on your blog.
Lovely collage, count me in, please!
Greetings from Finland,
I'm number *451* OWOH
It was nice to meet;-))m
leikkaan AT gmail.com
Hallo, Rian, mooi, mooi,leuk je te ontmoeten, leuke blog!
wil graag meedoen met give away
Hi Rian. Thank you for welcoming me to your very creative Blog. Your digital art work is beautiful! Please feel free to visit me and enter my giveaway also. Just click on my blog link or I'm #625.
Happy OWOH!
Hi Rian, I love your art, it is beautiful. I hope you can stop by my blog to see what I love to do as well
So very nice to meet you, I love visiting all these wonderful blogs and seeing what everyone is working on, there are so many talented people here..
Please enter my name in your lovely drawing
Bonnie in Florida
Visit my blogs
# 566 and # 567
Lovely giveaway with lots of love! I really like you blog, all those adorable 'ladies'! Visit me at #123. I am in Texas, USA
Love these vintage beauties! Happy OWOH, nice to meet you :)
Greetings from Kansas, USA Your blog is fantastic. I loved visiting. i hope to win. Come visit me soon:
Hi Rian... Thank you for visiting my OWOH post and leaving such a lovely comment.
I would be delighted to be entered in the draw for you wonderful art collage sheet. My mind is already seeing lots of possibilities for using those images.
Hi Rian. It is so very nice to meet you. You certainly have a wonderful place here :) Your digital collage sheet is absolutely beautiful.
Please stop on by my blog for a visit... I would love to see you there. I am #78 on the list.
Hallo from Germany! So pleased to meet you! Great blog and wonderfull Artworks. Love your Giveaway and do fingerscross to win. CU hellerlittle (owoh #773)
I would love to use the digital sheets for my journal making. Such lovely work.
Gorgeous work Rian - I would love to win this! These images are amazing :-)
Hi Rian, wat een geweldig leuk collage werk verloot jij, super!
groetjes, Dymphie (kom eens langs bij mijn loterijtje als je even tijd hebt)
Mal, jij bent ook hier en OWOH!
Thanks for visiting my blog, buurvrouw! :-)
My hollands is a bit rusty, but i always enjoy to learn new languages...
Tot ziens!
wonderful, please throw my name in the hat!
Ciao! I am so happy to meet you today on the wings of OWOH! Thanks for a chance to win your wonderful collage sheets!!
Hugs, ♥ ♥ ♥ Antonella ♥ ♥ ♥
wing stop #153, snowy New Jersey
Please stop by #153 for a chance to win my giveaway!
Happy OWOH to you--stop by for a little visit if you get the chance, I'm playing along, as well!
trishatoo at hotmail dot com
Hi Rian! Thank you for coming by my blog. You did such a beautiful job with your english! I have been to your wonderful blog before ~ I could get lost in it! Thanks again and greeting from Ct ~ USA!
Hello Rian,
I am so glad you stopped by El Milagro and took time to poke through my blog, and sign up for the OWOH giveaway!
You English is VERY GOOD! Americans need to be taught a second language; I have always regretted I did not learn.
I love your giveaway prize and must admit I would very much like to win it... ;-)
Come back and visit any time!!!
Rian ~
Thanks for taking the time to get to know me by reading my blog and I could understand your writing perfectly. I am so pleased to know you and to meet a kindred spirit artist. I simply love your digital sheets that you are offering ~ they are so beautiful as is your blog!
Sending you many blessings ~ I would love for you to win my give away! ~ Katie
Hi Rian, so lovely to meet you! Please add my name for your giveaway, I would so love to win your gorgeous collage sheet, so very beautiful:-)
Make sure you come by and enter my own giveaway if you haven’t done so already!!
Hugs, PEA from Canada xox
Thanks so much for taking the time you did at my blog. I really appreciate your comments about my art and my sweet little Chloe pup!!!
I've seen some of your collage sheets around blogland and have now bookmarked so I can come back and see/get more any time I want!!! I'll come back when I have more time so I can link you blog to my sidebar.
Your collage sheet is really lovely.
I love seeing all the neat things that people create!
Thanks for the lovely giveaway!
Amy from Pennsylvania
AtypicalMusings.com (OWOH #520)
artsyrockerchick at aim dot com
Hey! What colorful and wonderful art you make! I´m bookmarking you, so I can keep coming back!
Nice meeting you and your blog!
Have a great Sunday!
Love the images, You are REALLY Wonderful!
Your collage sheets are beautiful. Love the banners at the top of the page. Thanks for offering this giveaway
I love your header! So cool. Thanks for visiting my blog and taking the time to look at it. Your blog is super neat. So colorful.
I admire anyone who can master Ohotoshop. Me and computers don't mix well. Good thing my nephew is a geek.
Rian-what a beautiful name!
WOW!!!! Your blog is so gorgeous and colorful! I LOVE IT! And your art is INCREDIBLE!! I love dabbling in digital art as well but I'm an amateur at it. And I love the fact that you collect big beautiful women postcards- nice to see some positive images for us women who are "well-rounded"! :)
Please take a look at my blog for my OWOH giveaway:
Seattle WA
Greetings from Australia, great to meet you and visit your blog. I would love to be the lucky winner of your gorgeous colourful collage sheet. Please come by #9 and say hello.
your collage sheet is so lovely!
please come visit my blog #30 on the list!
warm hugs & blessings from Montana!
Hello my fellow Digital Whisper. I always love your work and would be thrilled if I was one of the door prise winners. I visit you blog often and noticed that you were part of OWOH this year and just had to post a comment.
Hello from Navada! I love your giveaway! Please count me in! Thank you! Keisha
Oh my! This is one gorgeous collages sheet Rian!! Truly amazing!! xoxo
Lovely sheets. Also love your plump ladies. I have been to your site before and love your whimsey! Thanks for being a part of OWOH! Wanda in Ohio #220
needlewings (at ) mac (dot) com
Fantastic giveaway! It is so much fun seeing all the different types of things being given away and meet new(to me) bloggers! Please enter me in your giveaway!
Thank you for for offering this beautiful gift and thank you for the chance to win. Your hard work really shows!
Hi from blissangels and my doggy friends Willow and Acorn...It is wonderful to met you again and see the beautiful BLOG...wishing, hoping and dreaming of winning your giveaway…. well more OWOH posts to see. come over any time the kettle is on. Hugs Wendy http://blissangels.blogspot.com
Hi Rian, thank you for the kind words and for visiting my blog! I have been to your blog many times before and love it. By the way your English is perfect!! I will come back when i have finished the OWOH tour and take more time to say a proper hello.
Hugs from snowy New Hampshire USA
Beth P
Your artwork is absolutely awesome! I love it! Your blog is great! Love your work! Added
myself as a follower!
Please count me in for the collage sheet! Love it!!
Thanks for the kind words on my blog!
Best Wishes,
Beautiful digital work, oh that takes hours so my hat is off to you!
cathyguitarteacher-77 at yahoo.com
Rian, you made me laugh out loud...your pooping flowers card is a riot! Love your blog...so much to see. Thanks for visiting mine and for taking time to look around, I afforded you the same courtesy. It is taking me a long time to get through the blogs (I am working backward now just for fun) as I have to read and browse so I don't miss some awesome eye candy or words of wisdom. Isn't this event fun? I am having a ball with it. Please enter me in your drawing...those cards are lovely...and I love playing with digital images.
stampgram AT yahoo DOT com
wow, its a lovely collage sheet. hope I get lucky to win one fo them!
That collage sheet is gorgeous! I'd love to find a way to incorporate those lovely girls into my creative endeavors!
Cameron #83
Thanks for the chance of winning your prize Rian. I'm always in awe of anyone who can do digital stuff as it's something I haven't got into. I love the backgrounds you created in your previous post, so clever.
I love your blog header! Those large ladies remind me of the saucy postcards to be found at seaside towns here in the UK.
I hope you'll stop by and see my giveaways too on my blog.
Sherry from England, UK
Very pretty collage sheet. So nice to see you and your blog on my journey around OWOH 2011. Enjoy the rest of OWOH. Kim (No. 724)
All your digital collage sheets are incredible. I would love to win one.
These sheets are wonderful. You have really put a lot of creative spirit into them. I would love to win. Thanks for visiting my blog and all you kind comments. I shall come back to visit your in depth soon!
Rian, I love your blog. So much to see. Your photo manipulations are wonderful. I'm curious if your collage sheets are digital? Thanks for visiting my blog. Please put my name in for your drawing.
From Southern California to the Netherlands.....isn't blog hopping fun?
Beautiful work, please toss my name in the hat! Stop back at my place if you get the chance!
OWOH #733
Your collage sheets are so gorgeous!
Please enter my name in your giveaway and come over to my blog-#348 and put your name in the hat there. Thanks and Good Luck!
I would love to win your collage sheet! Please enter me in your drawing, and stop by my blog to enter mine!
:) Michelle
Your work is beautiful!! I too love digital art. Thank you for browsing on my blog, and for your kind comment...yours is gorgeous..and interesting..so off to look again!
Hi Rian,
Great to meet you again! :) If you feel like meeting a bunch of nice people who are all into digital art, please check out this group:
As always, your digital art is exquisite, so it would be a treat to win your collage sheet.
Happy creating,
I would love to be included in your wonderful drawing, if you get a chance to stop by my blog is #809
A wonderful gift that lasts and lasts!!!! It was so nice to stay awhile and enjoy a coffee with you. If you get the chance I would love you to visit me downunder (Australia) so I can return the favour. #819 mustlovepaint.blogspot.com
Beautiful collage sheets, love your colouring :)
so nice to have discovered your blog through OWOH.
Pop by my giveaway if you get a chance I'm at number 596 :)
Hi Rian,
Thanks for visiting my blog and for the lovely comments! I think your work is great and I look forward to visiting you more often. Please enter me in your giveaway.
Best wishes,
p.s. your english was just fine!
Hi Rian, oh my gosh, your digital work is spectaular. I am slowly learning how to work with photoshop. I admire anyone that conquers it. Love you blog and your work. Thanks for visiting my blog and for your very sweet comments. So happy to meet you. I'll keep in touch.
Greetings from Clovis, California
I’ve enjoyed looking through your blog and your work is gorgeous! Stop by and visit mine for a chance to win my door prize. In the meantime, I hope this journey is as fun for you as it is for me!
Best, Holly
my blog: http://tuscanroad.blogspot.com
email: tuscanroad@sbcglobal.net
Thank you for sharing. I love your work.
Have your best OWOH ever.
You have a very warm, fun, colorful, and inviting blog. I really enjoyed the visit. Please enter me in your giveaway and visit me, if you haven't already. I'm number 11 and my information is on my profile page.
Please count me in to win your wonderful art work!
Thank you so much for the sweet comment on my blog. You are so sweet and I am so happy to know you! I'm wishing you the most lovely weekend. So glad to be following your very cool blog!
You are very talented.....I've been admiring all of your work....love your banners :) Take care, Michelle of HippieDog #15
Hi Rian, so nice to meet you during OWOH. Thanks so much for your lovely comments on my blog giveaway. Your digital work is amazing and I would love to be included in your giveaway drawing.
Hi Rian! Wow thanks for stopping by my blog and staying for a while!! I really appreciate it! It's nice to meet you, I plan on coming back to your as well tomorrow (it's bedtime for me now!!) but wanted to let you know that I got your comment! I am just beginning to experiment with some digital art so I definitely interested in seeing your work. The digi sheets you are giving away are great! Your english is awesome!!! See you when I come back!
Hahaha....freubelen is echt nederlands woord!! Leuke naam voor je blog! Hoi Rian, leuk dat je ook even bij mij langs kwam! ik heb geen photoshop, maar soms lijkt mij dat ook leuk om te doen, andere mogelijkheden! Zoals je hebt kunnen zien, doe ik het nog ouderwets!
Leuke vrolijke blog!
Fijn weekend, Susanna
Hello from California. I've really enjoyed visiting your blog. Your giveaway prize is beautiful. Thank you for the chance to enter.
Hello Rian :)
thank you so much for visiting me and taking the time to browse :) i do the same too when i visit :) i like to know who i'm talking to when i leave a comment :) i'm sure you feel the same!
firstly ... your digital art is stunning! you must be one of the best digital artist i've seen ... maybe i like your style :) i went into your shop ... it is beautiful and very well organized and stocked. it looked very professional, yet it doesn't feel cold or impersonal.
i read the post you wrote detailing your family members ... it was beautiful :) i know what you mean when you say we only share very surface things ... most of us are quite private, yet some of us feel that why would anyone want to read our personal stories? it is in fact not the case, as i found out much later in my blogging career (if 2 and a half years can be considered a career :) ... close friends do like to read a little about each other, so now i share a little of myself once in a while :)
i also totally agree with you that thank goodness 2010 is over and done with. it was NOT the best of years for me too ...
finally, the doorgift you are offering is irresistible! beautifully created, vivid colors and just absolutely stunning!! i would be so lucky to be one of your 3 :)
luthien :)
p/s your english is just perfect!! and we must keep in touch :)
Hi Rian--thank you so much for visting my blog and your kind words.
I have to say that I envy your digital talent. I received Photoshop for Christmas, and I'm lost!!
I want to thank you for offering this wonderful wonderful collage sheet--beautiful!!
Greetings Rian.
I am so happy that you stopped by my blog "Limelightartworks":O)
Thank you for your kind words! They made my day!
You have a super blog!!!
I plan to come by often!
Rian,Please enter me in the drawing for those gorgeous collage sheets!
Mary #787
Hello Rian, thank you so much for visiting my blog and inviting me over to your blog. I'm really glad I came. I admire what kind of treasure you create with Photoshop, it's amazing! I'm learning more in Photoshop right now and I often find it very confusing. I guess I just need to practice way more than I actually do. Your giveaway is so beautiful, I'd love to be one of the winners - fingers crossed.
Lovely to meet you Rian and to see all of your digital wonder. You are so obviously dedicated to your work. I haven't travelled down this road and therefore would really appreciate winning that sheet of those dreamy women. I am really a fabric girl as you can see! Just love fabric journals - I have a collection of postcards from WWI with so much history between 2 families during that horrific time but at the same time they are beautiful and hope to use some in a journal.
Glad you enjoyed your journey around my blog and thanks for leaving such wonderful comments with perfect English.
I really hope our paths cross again Rian.
Hugs to you.
.. this is ** collage-a-riffic** thanks for the opportunities
Fleshy, voluptuous women, YEY!!! I love photoshop too, much better to manipulate than a husband LOL!! Your print of Vintage women with makeovers is so sweet!! Anyway, so pleased to meet you (I'm Shelle by the way)! Now I want to ask you to please, please come comment at my OWOH post too :) I'm number 120 on the list yey! (oh & please feel free to drop in now and then after OWOH if you're in the bloggersphere) Now let's keep enjoying this hurly burly wonderful One World One Heart EXTRAVAGANZA :)
Hello from NY. What an amazing giveaway!!! Thank you for adding my name to your giveaway.
Thank you for visiting my blog! I am happy to find yours! Smiles, jann
Oh, I want to be able to use Photoshop correctly! I stumble my way through now - so I know you put a LOT of work into what you love. Your creations are beautiful!
Please do enter me in your giveaway - and thank you for visiting my blog through OWOH.
Hi Rian, greetings to you from Australia! Thank you for sharing your awesome digi sheet for your OWOH prize. I would love to win, please count me in! I treasure the freebies I've gathered from your site! I have followe you quite a while, although I don't often comment (shame!)... I love your use of colour! I hope you will visit me, I am OWOH 248!
hugs and blessings,
My OWOH blogpost
Email me!
hello! i would be delighted to win your giveaway and use them in some projects! if you haven't yet, i hope you can drop by my blog at http://peggyapl.blogspot.com/ (#544) and join my OWOH giveaway. blessings from peggyapl(at)gmail.com!
Oh my gosh, I love your blog!!! Your collage sheet is wonderful...I would love the chance to win.
wow! i love your blog! thanks for being a part of OWOH so that we could find you!
thanks, too, for a chance at winning your amazing altered collage sheet! i could have such fun with this!
i hope you will have a chance to stop by my blog and enter my give away, too!
joe in montana
Hi Rian, many thanks for visiting my blog, your kind remarks meant a lot to me. Your blog is beautiful with such vibrant colors. I love your collage sheet and would love to be entered in your giveaway.
Donna (792)
Hello Rian...Greetings from Ipswich, MA
I'm glad to meet you. I'm #509
I'm a jewelry artist, watercolor painter, and over all creative adventurer! And...I'd be honored to have you follow my blog!
Please enter me into the OWOH drawing. Thanks!
I hope you get to visit my blog, too. I'm giving away a shabby chic denim necklace. Come any time to chat.
email: Lamore225@gmail.com
Hugs¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´Linda L
So lovely, add me to your hopefuls. Love this OWOH meet and greet. Come for a visit www.beckoningoflife.blogspot.com Leslie
Nice collage!!!
Please pick me up!
cal_rubies at yahoo dot es
Greetings from Spain!
Hello from Florence Oregon USA. I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog. Your humor is contagious. Please count me in on your giveaway.
Thank you for the chance to enter your lovely giveaway!
Hi Rian, I would love to win your beautifully handcrafted digital collage sheet art project. How sweet! Please visit my blog, too. I am the author of "16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood." I am giving away my book and a couple of laminated 4 leaf clovers.
Hello dear. It is so very wonderful to meet you and take a lovely walk through your blog. I have enjoyed the visit and would love to be entered into your OWOH giveaway. So Exciting.
Please do drop in for a visit with me during your journey. It would be lovely to have you.
wishes and whimsy
WenDy from WondERlanD
This is just stunning! You are so talented! Thank you for the chance ;) Kristin xo (#73)
Lovely blog and lovely giveaways…I hope I win. the sheet is beautiful. A question for you: Have you ever or have you thought of making one of Hawaiian Postcards? I bet that would be lovely too.
Carolyn Kight Michigan USA
My blogs in OWOH
email: cmkights@tc3net.com
another email carolynleekight@gmail.com (I like this one the best.)
Greetings from the Philippines! Wonderful collage sheets! I'm sure it will inspire me! Patsy.paterno (at) gmail.com from
Your beautiful collagesheet will be very useful in my art! :)
If I become one of the lucky winners!
Please come and visit my blog too if you didn´t do it already! Thank you :)
Warm regards
Susan, nr 471
Hi, It's lovely to meet you via OWOH. This collage sheet is fantastic... I imagine it would take a lot of work. Please count me in. ~Michelle, OWOH #598
Keep doing your thing! Your work is awesome! I would LOVE to win some of your work! Please enter me into your magic hat and I hope my number pops out! I will for sure be back for more eye candy after the tour!
These images are wonderful! You do great work with photoshop!Please enter me into your draw-- thank you so much!
~martha (#384)
(from Toronto :)
Hello from California, US! Please add my name to your list, very pretty images :o)
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