With a touch of purple :)

Credits ; Guy = mafoirfouille.centerblog.net / Moon = sorry ??
Texture = Kim Klassen / Brushes = Circle of Fire.Deviantart / Font = Jellyka
Are you aware that the event OWOH is started ?
If you are interested in my "DOOR PRIZE" feel free to scroll down okè ?
I would gladly share it with YOU, my ThreeMusesFriends !!!
40 opmerkingen:
Yes! I'm first to comment! :)
This is very original , and quite an interesting color combination. Is there a story behind what's happening in this piece?
Yes !! But I keep that for myself Sherry hihi :)
love, love, love your so beautiful and may I say erotic collage?
YESSS... ;)
You can´t allways be the firts, hi hi.
Great entry. I like the different layers and the depth of it
oeps er zit een manneke in het hoofd hihi
Dat moet de jarige job wel zijn vandaag toch?
Oh I adore the awesome images you have put together in this Rian...very cool!!!
I love the image you've used in this one, Rian. He is the epitome of abject despair. This is a beautiful, thoughtful piece!
I keep imagining the nude is the - dare i say it - the 'ogre's' ear!! (Perhaps I should take a rest from the computer!!!) Very thought provoking piece, Rian, designed with your special style!!
Love this piece...great feeling about it!
Always unique, and so beautifully created. Love it!
F A B U L O U S piece, Rian!
Hi Rian - your picture is very dramatic and thought-provoking and powerful. I see from your comment to Sherry that you aren't going to tell us what the story is behind it and now we are all wondering and making up our own stories!!
Great work - and thankyou for making us think.
Fantastic collage - black and white, crazy moon, naked person - what more could anyone ask for? :O)
I love it! It's just got everything and we can weave our own story! Beautiful piece. xx
schitterend Rian!!
mogge Rian
volgens die mallerd Nellie zit ik in het hoofd haha nu dat maakt het dus zo mooi
ikke ben een goeierd hé en nee ik dacht niet zo van die is me vergeten hoor en je ziet het je was het ook niet
ik wens je een fijne dag
very special:)
This is stunning Rian! You think so far outside the box, my friend!! Glad you liked the cut-up ladies!! =)
This is one of those wonderful pieces of art that draws me in and makes me think.
Wow, that's a wonderful piece of art.
I love the moodiness of this piece and the rather fit young man!
We all seem to have got a bit sidetracked with him ;)
Great well-designed piece. It evokes a sense of oddness and a bit of sadness... By the way thanks for your words of encouragement, sometimes I really feel I'm not improving very much.
Wow! what gorgeous art I love it!... If only I could produce such art -- insert big sigh :)
Thank you for your kind comments on my blog
Sue xx
Rian, my friend, this is mind blowing and I absolutely love it. The image of the guy is to die for.
Thank you for visiting my blog. Am so glad because I have now found yours and what a terrific blog you have. Am now a follower....
Loving all your pieces and love this one, so inventive. Annette x
So clever, striking and stylish, Rian!
Hi Rian, thank you so much for visiting and leaving your kind comment! I have also returned the visit and am in awe of all the lovely things you create with Photoshop!! My son made me download it a few years ago and told me to learn it but I never got my head around the layers thing so I am lost!
HI, I have been looking at your lovely blog, had a great time! Love those round ladies on the blog header, too! Thanks for visiting my blog and greetings from Kaiserswerth in Rhineland to Brabant!!
Really interesting use of the images. Dark buy beautiful.
I love the colors and the images you chose, and the wonderful way you put it all together. A fascinating piece! xo
Hi Rian, I was so happy to read your lovely comment that you left on my blog today, thanks very much, so glad you liked my cards. I've been looking at your really cool blog...I've never seen digital art before and I have to say I like what I see. Very creative way to use technology! CoB
Rian, your man & moon collage is very elegant and very interesting. The way you have placed the man on the moon is very clever. Wonderful magical piece!
First I must comment on this OH MY GOODNESS! This is simply amazing! I love the colors and the theme FABULOUS!
Now thank you for the smile in my inbox. I to am sad you don't celebrate Valentine's Day in the Netherlands. It is so much fun to share your love with friends and family.
Interestin, cool, funny, original, WOW!! Awesome creation my friend and standing ovations from my corner, Bravo!!
hugs and applause,
Hi Rian ! long time I didn't have a walk here and say hello ! I'm admiring your beautiful pieces, it's always a nice flight in collage land ! wish you a beautiful weekend :)
Wat mooi, en dat kleine beetje donker rood.
Oooh Rian! I just love this,Simply stunning as always my friend.
Gosh, I love this!
Just so stunning! I like the black/white with the "touch of purple".
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