Hope you all had a wonderful New Year
and that 2011 is a good one for you :)
I have used a personal photo of my grandparents in their "Sunday best" !
Grandpa Thijs and grannie Melanie (of my mother's side).
I'ts just a simple design, I know but I found this picture so appropriate for this theme that I due to my respect for these hard working people just wanted THEM to stand out.

28 opmerkingen:
What a superb & beautiful tribute to your Grandparents, Rian, love the vintage framing, I'm sure this will be a real family album treasure!
Best wishes for the New Year, too!
This is so awesome- I had to comment- My fil is 94 and has tons of pics- he is just starting to go a bit downhill, so I have been making him cards using HIS old pics...they are awesome! I just LOVE making cards using pics of family and etc- I just make copies on cardstock to save the originals. Happy New Year! :)
Hi Rian! I love your respectful and loving treatment of your grandparents' photo. The framing is magnificent - so much so that it looks three-dimensional. What a great picture to have in your possession - and how lucky are to see it. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.
I hope 2011 will be a great year for you, Rian.
Cheers from Marie.
I have similar photos of my grandparents Rian. A wonderful tribute to yours!
A gorgeous frame! This is a lovely keepsake. Hugs xx
Leuke bijdrage en een prachtige foto!
a wonderful tribute to your grandparents!
C'est une page d'histoire écrite avec tes propres souvenirs, il s'en dégage un parfum de respect et d'amour familial, une très belle réalisation. sorry but I prefer use french language to say what I feel because I don't have words in english.
I love what you have done here with such a special photograph.
The words are great too.
Wat een geweldige foto Rian. Fantastische quote ook. Helemaal goed!
Gelukkig nieuwjaar meissie en blij dat je weer terug bent!
Fantastische foto en bijdrage, Rian!
Ha, ha, this is so funny.
Love this picture, Rian! What a beautiful tribute to your grandparents! Happy New Year, My Friend! Hugs, Terri xoxo
It's perfect! Nothing should detract from the simple dignity of your grandparents in this photo. No wonder you treasure it! Beautiful framing. Thank you so much for sharing. I wish you all good things for the coming year!
Oh, I love the picture of your grandparents, Rian. They look like fine people. What a treasure this photo is! I love the caption (text) you used.
Outstanding, Rian. What a beautiful presentation for this theme. Hugs, Gayle.
A fabulous photo and I love the frame you have put it in!
This collage is so heart-warming. I love it when artists use "real," old pictures of their families. It keeps our different heritages alive.
Fantastic card Rian beautiful work and I love the words...excellent entry for the good old days.
Fantastic photo, it reminds me of my grandparents.
Rian a very Happy 2011 to you as well.
Your piece is so serene! Unlike what you normally do...I think it is outstanding.
Hope you like the new blog...check it a bit later today for more posts.
The photo of your grandparents is so wonderful, and I love your creation. Love the sentiment you added too. This is just a beautiful interpretation of the "old fashioned" challenge!
Je mag moeien hoor en ja rebbeltjes kronkels wordt mijn gangbare...de andere blijven wel staan maar met deze ga ik verder.
Ha wat een Luxe breedbeeld hihi
Tja anders passen je dames er ook niet helemaal op whahahahahaha
Trusten moatje
Oja heb het bewust rechtsonder gecentreerd...vind ik het plaatje mooier uitkomen. Doeiiiiii
Prachtig plaatje, ik moet vaak even lachen als ik oude fotoos zie, ze gaan graag op de foto ,maar niet heus,( dit is Aalsmeers) Al dat gedoe, het moet maar even gebeuren, zo kijken ze. Bedankt voor je lieve commentaar en jij ook een heeel fijn, gezond en creatief 2011. Ga zo even naar de Dubai mall, daar hebben ze een boekwinkel zo groot, daar heb je een fiets voor nodig. doeiiii liefs Janita
I love that you used personal photos in your piece. It is a beautiful and loving tribute, and a lovely piece of art! xo
(I deleted my last post due to a spelling error - am having trouble with my "g" key not working LOL)
ha die Rian
een geweldig mooie foto van je pake en beppe en gezet in een mooie lijst , ze zouden trots op je zijn
ik had je geloof ik al de beste wensen gedaan
zelf kijk ik al uit naar de pinkster
fijne dag
Wat leuk meiss!!!!..ze zijn zéker op Zondag,s..heb je weer prachtig in elkaar gezet lieverd..kuzzzzzz..
just lovin' this so special thank you for becoming my 100th follower....think thats worth celebrating watch this space for blog candy
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