One World One Heart
You arrived in the southern part of Holland
A hearty welcome !!
Please make your self at home here and spend a minute looking around to find out all about me.
My name is Rian and YEP, I admit...
I’m a Photoshop addict.
Since childhood I have had a yearning to create and this has led me on a long journey of self discovery. I have learned that I am never happier than when I am using my computer and mind to make something beautiful.
I’m also a postcard collector with a (respectfully !!) preference to every woman who is Big Beautiful, Chubby and Saucy.
(See the surroundings you are right now and previous posts :)
About my “door-prize” ; I wil draw 3 different names !!
You can win this digital JPEG collage sheet (as long as you have a blog !) by leaving me a comment under this post with some way for me to contact you should you win. You can print this gift over and over !
Feel free to ENLARGE my "door prize".

The sheet (orginal black & white vintage postcards) contains EIGHT ‘one of a kind’ Bright-Colored and Grungy Beauties. They are altered with lots of layered effects such a masks and filters .
Layer by layer I first decompose the pictures (skin first - then hair - clothes - backgr. etc.) and however this is a time consuming work I LOVE to do this and i’ts realy my kind of thing :)
The original collage sheet is saved; High resolution 300 dpi.
8,5 x 11 inches (Size A4 /3300x2550 pixels.) And I hope you like it.
I’m realy looking forward to visiting all the other participants. This is such a fun event and a great way to meet new friends.
My special thanks go out to Lisa Swifka who made this project possible !! Hugss to you !