Welcome at Freubel’s Art Page. Who’s ‘Freubel’? I’m a woman living in the south of the Netherlands (in the province of Noord-Brabant to be more specific), with a good sense of humor and who loves to chit-chat with friends. What’s a ‘Freubel’? I took on that name because I like to ‘fiddle’ with graphics on my computer until it results in something rather nice to look at. In time, my ‘fiddlings’ have become more of a craft in photoshopping and creating Digital Artworks in various styles such as vintage-retro, mixed-media, stamping and old postcards. I have a wide range of preferences as you may well see on my site. So while I keep ‘fiddling’, I welcome you to take a look around....... Enjoy!
RIAN xxx
Thema ; Hey Mister !! Ik vond weer zo'n prachtig oud doorleefd portret. Hij heeft zoveel rimpels dattie er met alle gemak zijn petje op kan vast schroeven :-)) * Just click on the pictures for a larger view CREDITS
Click → HERE ← for a proper display of this FRIEND CONNECT gadget. ************** Om 'n volger te worden klik → HIER ← voor 'n correcte weergave van deze gadget
This website and its contents in the format presented,
are copyrighted by Rian (freubel).
Under no circumstances are you entitled to illegally copy or share Art & Text of this weblog.
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