woensdag 11 maart 2009

Last week I received from a girlfriend a photograph of this model. (Thanks Loes ! :-)She found it on the internet and I made of it these lay out. For a while I searched to an appropriate text but I could find nothing. Perhaps that someone of you has a idea?

*Just click on the pictures for a larger view.

5 opmerkingen:

indybev zei

What beautiful use of the light beams, Rian! Your process of putting together your art pieces intrigues me, and I'm SO impressed with your skill. A title for this one does not come to my mind at the moment either, but I will think on it!

Anoniem zei

Wow, this is really beautiful. Love how all the elements came together. I'm not good at titles, but I'm sure you will think of one.

Tacey zei

WOW!! This is beautiful! I love the light, and the birds in the tree..fantastic piece.

Anoniem zei



Rosie zei

You are truly gifted Rian!! I found you via Faye's award... and I love what you create! I think she's saying... "I said, let there be light, right now!"