This time it was Bev's turn, and the theme was WILD THINGS. From the jungles of Africa, to the Antarctica, to your own back yard, or the skeletons in the family closet, She wants to see how wild I can get!!
Well Bev...I hope that this CENTAUR is WILD enough for you :-) ???

25 opmerkingen:
Oh yes, it's delicious!!! You are so creative when choosing the pieces for your art pieces. This is beautifully done, Rian!
Ha die Rian mooi gemaakt hoor je kan ook niet zien waar je man en paard door de midden gehakt hebt
zag dat je bij Nellie was en je had het over een roos
nu het is een hele rode lijn nu tot in het kruis de klier daar is ook rood en gezwollen ik heb afpraak met dokter
fijne dag nog
Heeeee Freubelke da hedde gij mar wir us skon gemakt.
Men complimenten (nie dagge doar iets on het, mar toch...;))
Knap stukske werruk!!
Wow,this is amazing work.Love what you did.Great take on the challenge.And it was really neat to see how you did it.
Wow! He's wild and wonderful! Hugs, Terri
Wow! Your centaur certainly looks WILD. I wouldn't like to meet him on a dark night. This is superb, Rian. Your artwork is fantastic.
Well Miss Rian, what can I say? This is totally amazing and as usual I am in awe of your talent. This is 'scrumdidlyuptious'. By the way that's not a real word but it means : this is too gorgeous for words. Bravo.
Wonderfully done! A centaur is most definately wild and wonderful!
Your centaur is so fantastic !
Absolutely wild and fantastic!!!
Everyone needs a wild man around once in a while! :) Your artwork is amazing and thank you so much for teaching us too. I may get the hang of this if I keep following your instructions!
This is fantastic! I like the sky and ground background. Thanks for sharing how you created it.
Zo origineel !!! Onwijs gaaf te zien hoe je dat gedaan hebt :) Ik blijf geloof ik maar bij mijn papier en lijmpot, superknap :D
Stunning work, love the drama of it, and like always, thanks so much for taking the time to explain how you did it!!
This is awesome! If I only knew how to do digital art! TFS
This is just outstanding. Thank you for sharing your process. I am amazed!
Oh Rian, this is amazing! What a great idea to create a Centaur, I'm very enraptured. I'm in love with your blog and your art!
so impressive , hoe krijg je het voor elkaar. Niet alleen de techniek maar ook het hele artistieke denken er achter .
ga je ook lesgeven in PS?
What a fantastic picture! And it's fascinating to see how you did it too.
Ali xx
Beautiful wild centaur! And thank you again for showing how you made it!
Wow...this is a wonderful piece of work! ~Lori
This is just stunning! I'm just delving into playing around with colours and desaturation, but am limited by PSE 6. It doesn't have all the channels that other versions do. I so admire your talent, and vision.
Wow! Great digital work. Fantastic piece of art.
Absolutely great take on this!
Really appreciate your diagram sheets as to how you go about things...Your creative vision is a truly intriguing one!
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