dinsdag 2 augustus 2011

Theme ; Challenge TheThreeMuses / ANGELIC


Ohhh my, had I fun making this !!
The background is a mix from two oil-paintings which I found in Wiki.
English bull and Shar-Pei = Lenagold
"Barking and Growling Bitch" LOL = Eva friendlyscrap.
Wings = Allforgraphic.net / And a texture = FloraBella.

25 opmerkingen:

Jane Wetzel zei


Taluula zei

Rian, what great fun this is, and what better than doggie angels to guard you blog. Brilliant.

Judy zei

They say little dogs are more to be aware of than bigger ones, Rian! What a trio, fantastic take on the 'angelic' theme!
('Lacked oomph' - to me - means not very exciting, pretty ordinary!)

Rebbeltje ★ zei

Blaffen ze ook???

Misschien mijn filmpje erbij en er durft niemand meer iets hihi


Betzie zei

Wonderful and so clever!!!! That Chihuahua is one fierce little angel!

Deann zei

Rian this is just too funny and fantastic...what a wonderful picture I love it!!!

ann zei

Fantastic and very clever...
great humor !!!

Kaylene zei


Christine zei

I'm still laughing for your guard angels are hilarious (yet the little one is scary!).

Ozstuff zei

What a gorgeous, charming and funny take on this week's challenge. I love it!! So original, So Rian.

(Rian - OOMPH is a slang word for PIZZAZZ which means very eye-catching, strong, vibrant, etc - pronounced OOMF)

Ann zei

oh..i love this!! your "barking,growling bitch" reminds me so much of my dearly loved,departed Otis..he could be such a meanie and grumpy..but i loved him to death!!

indybev zei

I'm trying really hard to correlate "barking and growling b***h and angels! Nevertheless, a very clever piece, Rian!

Gayle Page-Robak zei

So funny...love it, Rian.

Sandy zei

What a lovely idea Rian.
Wonderful work. I love it.

Junibears zei

My first smile of the day! Wonderful work Rian! xx

Carola Bartz zei

This is fabulous!!! What a great work.

johanna zei

oh rian, you so often make me laugh! thanks for that!!

Karel zei

zozo Rian
jij laat je blog bewaken door honden , nu schijnt niet goed te werken het is hier alweer druk hihi
mar je hebt het prachtig gemaakt dat is zeker
fijne dag

Unknown zei

Wooow Rian wat heb je dat leuk gedaan zeg .
Laat Mo van mij het maar niet zien hihihi.
Super gaaf gemaakt .
Die heeft zelf een Engelse bull en als ik zo naar je crea kijk lijkt haar Bulle meisje er wel op .
Je hebt vast wel eens een foto van haar Bull gezien toch?
Echt leuk gedaan meis .
Knufffff Ien

Anoniem zei

Angelic doggies! What fun, Rian!

Darla zei

Angelic Guard Dogs? What could be better?


Gloria Martin zei

I loved this one sooooooooo much it brought tears to my eyes. I am a "mommy" to a wonderful little chihuahua, and I was blessed to have had an English Bulldog for over twelve years. Animals are most definitely angels in disguise. xo

Bill zei

This is such fun! I'm going to be very careful what I say on your blog from now on. I don't want that guardian dog to come and get me!

LynnF zei

Oh Rian...how delightful! I absolutely think you knocked this one out of the park! I can tell you had fun! Fell in love with it the moment I saw it! Bravo!

Linda Gibbons zei

Brilliant! I love that fierce little doggie angel!