I've practiced again with black & white lighteffects this week but I'm still not satisfied. It's so hard to learn because you can exposure the view in the smallest details. Just like taking a real photo. In photoSHOP it's a game with light and shadow too.
But anyway :-) thanks for the challenge ladies and for visiting my blog !
25 opmerkingen:
I think your b/w is very crisp and clear, and yes it is hard to get the effect you wish for, but I have found that playing around and doing a few tutorials are the way to go. Check out Joel.Wolfson.com he has tips under favourites. Cheers
I just love your delightful moon goddesses Rian this just make me smile...well done!!!
Fun piece !
Interesting study in black and white, Rian. I love the dancing moon godesses.
Beautiful, Rian! Love the black and white.
Looks pretty darned good to me! Great work!
I love your black and white, Rian! the contrast is wonderful--and is that a flying saucer among the moons and planets?
Love the paper clips, Rian and of course your brilliant composition, love to see monochromatic art for a change!
My dog OK, on tablets for an eye problem, he will be 12 next month!
My sculpture is made from metal and was featured on the waterfront in our capital so probably not an Aboriginal design.
I Love the planets in the foreground, it makes me feel as if I can reach out and run my finger along the surface of the moon. Beautiful! And the dancers are having SUCH a good time!
This made me smile. Black and white is so beautiful when it's done right like you have done it.
I love your Moon dancers Rian. l
Lovely effect! xx
mogge Rian
moonstruck , ja er hang er nog een boven de dansers , las dat je een stijve wijsvinger had en dan tochdit voor elkaar krijgen , gewweldig
ja smaken verschillen , gelukkig
fijne dag
Your b & w is perfect Rian!
I adore your idea & your realisation!
Master piece!
Beautiful delightful moon godesses Rian. Love the black and white.
Lovely greet
Het is prachtig. Ik bewonder je werk. Zelf kan ik helemaal niks digitaals!
Gossie kreeg jij niks whahaha
Zal je wel niet lieg genoeg geweest zijn hihi
Leuk dat zw/wit...en weet je kan me er niks bij voorstellen dat dat moeilijk is grijnzzzzz
You have done a super job with this black and white digital collage, Riann! I love the idea of dancing on the moon!
Dancing on the moon - great fun!
How light and easygoing is the dance of your moon godesses even thought the colours of black and white would refer to a more solemn atmosphere. I like your piece very much!
This is delicious, Rian, and reminds of the song : by the light of the silvery moon.
Wow..spectacular..such a magnificent , striking piece..love it!! beautiful! you are amazing!
this is divine! this b/w also has a part of silver in it! wonderful!
Ik vind hem super :-)
Such a striking piece, Rian.
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