This was a time-consuming scenery collage but I was so inspired by a similar steampunk bird (which I saw in google)
that I had to try making one by myself :-)
The most difficult part was the different blending-modes of all the textures because I had to figure out by myself, how the artist had done this. PHEW !
It's not quite well done but I got pretty close :-)
PART ONE Credits & "work in progress"

PART TWO Credits & "work in progress"

29 opmerkingen:
They say "all good things take time" Rian, you've certainly proved it to be true here, what a magnificent piece of steampunkerie!
That bird is traveling in style! Inspired steampunk!
Wat is dit weer bereknap gedaan Rian. En heel heel erg mooi. Gaaf met de vogel.
Je vroeg op mijn blog welk font ik gebruik. Maar bedoel je de font van de tekst??? Of iets anders? De tekst is nl. een stempel.
groetjes Marja
Wonderfully steampunk-y!!!
Another knock your socks off piece of artwork Rian you always amaze and inspire me...EXCELLENT!!!
Rian, you have the patience of Jobe!!! This little guy is fantastic!!! I think that you have a very enchanted mouse!!! Hahaha!!! ♥ Hugs, Terri xoxo
Love it, the perspective is great and adds a lot of dimension, great thinking. Cheers
marvelous piece!!!love it!!
Wow, Rian, what a masterful piece! Stunning! The end result of your hard work is perfection!
Wouaouh! Pretty work Rian!
Doubled by the time of making the work in progress...
Thanks for your magical world!
Beautifully done!
Hoezo: ben er blij mee? FANTASTISCH is een betere uitdrukking. knufzz...peebee
I think your steampunk creation is amazing! penny
mogge Rian
dat heb jij gemaakt , ja dat zal je tijd gekost hebben
maar het is je prima gelukt , ik vind het een Kunstwerk
geniet er van en van de dag
WoW! What a lot of work! Love that bird Rian. Just fantastic! xx
Ha Rian ,
Nieuw blogje geplaatst hoor ...braaf meisje geweest hihihi.
Ziet er hier ook weer super uit .
Zulke benen wil ik ook wel.. ach wie niet he .
De vogel is ook heel mooi geworden .
Met recht kunst werkjes meis .
Fijne dag nog verder .
Liefs Ien xxx
You certainly did a lot of work, Rian, but it was certainly worth it. The bird is fabulously well done and I love the old train station. Thanks for showing the steps you took. I hope, one day, to be able to use my photoshop software.
You always create amazing art, Rian, but sometimes you create art that absolutely blows me away ... and this is one of those. This should be hanging on someone's wall, my friend, to be admired every day.
"Not quite well done"? If it had been any better I'd have fallen completely off my chair. This is a masterpiece, Rian!! What you've done with the bird alone is stupendous, but the background is perfect as well. A HUGE standing ovation from me!
Jaime beaucoup votre réalisation steampunk l'ensemble est très réussi bravo ! mary.kg
schitterend Rian, heel mooi!
Wow, wow, wow!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is wonderful!
Helemaal geweldig!!!
Wat een gave creatie!! Hoe krijg je het toch altijd weer zo perfect bij elkaar gezocht??
Well, I think it was most definitely worth all that hard work, the collage turned out incredibly well. Fabulous.
Goedemorgen Rian ,
Doe je ook nog wat aan Sinterklaas of sla je dat over ?
Wij deden nog wel suprise maken toen de kids nog thuis waren .
Ik kom je in ieder geval een fijne zondag wensen.
Liefs en een knufff van mij .
My goodness, what a wonderful steamy picture. You sure took your time and it really resulted in a masterpiece. Thanks for all the steps you show.What a lot of work! I really respect your beautiful piece of art.
Always fabulous!
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