zondag 20 mei 2012

Theme ;  Challenge Take A Word  /  DREAM
For this weeks theme I used a painting of Court Joseph-Desire
which I found via Google.
I first made a design with personal elements and used different PS techniques.
To completely finish it I duplicated that design
and placed it beneath the first one.
Then I used a grungy film texture ( credits HERE ) and changed the blendingmode and add some other stuf :-)

22 opmerkingen:

Sim zei

Sorry... Hello Rian!
I hope you're well!?
I'll post a Typography Collage tomorrow, I'm a bit late...
Kisses my friend!

Rebbeltje ★ zei

Ben jij ook al 18+ grijnzzzz trusten

Rebbeltje ★ zei

Vergeet ik je ploatje...schôn !!!

Marja's Stamp Addiction en Marja's Creativity zei

Erg mooi Rian.
Slaap lekker

Kaylene zei

Beautiful and so serene. Cheers

Lori Saul zei

A beautiful dream of imagery and color Rian- such a lovely design and expression!

Jaluza Scrap zei


indybev zei

You achieved a lovely effect by duplicating the image and adding some grunge. Nice work....as always!

Christine zei

I love the whole effect you achieved here, It definitely has your signature.

Judy zei

Fabulously dreamy, Rian, love the idea of placing one under the other and applying a grungy texture, excellent presentation!

K zei


Ozstuff zei

To use one of Taluula's priceless words ... this is scrum-diddly-umptious. Try finding that in your English-Dutch dictionary!! Scrumptious is the real word and I could add magnificent, gorgeous and SUPERB. What a great way to celebrate your new found freedom from painting and decorating!! Wonderful artwork. Bravo.

Gayle Page-Robak zei

So beautiful, Rian...gorgeous art piece.

Karel zei

mogge Rian
het werkje is een pracht
de beschrijving er bij mij te technies
ja ook ik ben 18 + jij pas 49 + hé ik vond dat ik een lach moest zien te ontlokken , en dat is gelukt
wens je een fijne dag

Karin zei

wow, fantastisch! mooie kleuren en afbeelding!

Sim zei

Hi dear!
It's just some styles in Photoshop...
Huge hugs Rian!

Junibears zei

So, so, lovely Rian. beautiful piece!xx

Yvonne zei

Just beautiful, Rian!

Anoniem zei

Beautiful, Rian, especially when enlarged.

© LoeS © zei



Deann zei

A wonderful elegant collage very beautiful!

Electra zei

Gorgeous, Rian! And thanks for the link to Lost and Found, I had some textures and didn't know who to credit. Now i Do!