In Holland we have several 'open-air museums' such as
The Zaanse Schans near Zaandam (HERE and HERE/google images)
And the open-air museum in Arnhem. (HERE and HERE/google images)
Together with our daughter we went last friday to Arnhem to visit the last one.
Enjoy the snapshots :)

Theme ; Challenge TakeAWord / OLD FASHIONED

Doesn't she look tough and cool huh ?
Old fashioned 'girl' power !!

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11 opmerkingen:
I'm loving looking at the photos of your visits, Rian. And your vintage lady on the bike is such fun too.
Inderdaad, deze foto is oerdegelijke voordeoorlogse girlpower. Zo vind je ze tegenwoordig niet meer :)). knufzz..peebee
What a riot! She looks like she wouldn't get off willingly! Thanks for the photo, Rian.
I have also enjoyed looking at all your pictures of your vacation. It was like taking a mini-vacation myself!
Delightful image, and what a nice bonus of vacation photos! Thank you for sharing with us, Rian. I hope the rest of your semi-vacation is peaceful and happy!
What a cracker she is!! xx
What a cracker she is!! xx
Mooie vakantie foto`s Freubel! Jullie hebben zichtbaar genoten...Parijs wauw daar ben ik nog niet geweest!de foto`s van Arnhem zijn gruwelijk mooi...
Freubel hoe kan ik me abboneren op jouw blog? Please help me
your pieces are so beautiful!!!
I love the "scooter" lady, thanks!!!
Thank you for visiting my blog. Your digital art is REALLY cool! Very fun!
This chick is SO COOL! Thanks.
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